Partner stories

These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Partner Stories


Puget Sound ESD works with school district science leaders and regional community-based organizations (CBOs) to bring climate science concepts through NGSS-aligned, phenomena-based teaching to students across the region. Our greatest area of leverage is the science leaders and teacher leaders in our local school districts who can engage greater numbers of colleagues in racially just, solutions-oriented climate science learning and teaching.

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Computer Science Children’s Book Study

Computer Science Children’s Book Study

At our book study sessions, teachers meet in a cross-grade breakout to make sense of the computer science ideas embedded in the readings. They then meet in grade banded breakouts to apply their new understanding to learning opportunities that they share with their...

Student Climate Assembly Project

Student Climate Assembly Project

During the 21-22 school year, educators Dave Ketter and Lisa Eschenbach worked with science & social studies teachers at Bellingham High School to replicate elements of the Washington Climate Assembly during a civics unit. As with the Washington Climate Assembly,...