Olympic ESD 114
The Olympic ESD 114 ClimeTime work is focused on increasing understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards while building a vision of science instruction consistent with the Framework for K-12 Science Education. Olympic ESD serves teachers in rural and remote areas on the Olympic Peninsula working to ensure equity and access to high quality professional learning opportunities in typically underserved communities.

Teacher Professional Development
Growing Elementary Science/ Eureka Science Stories
Olympic ESD will support elementary teacher knowledge and practice through the Growing Elementary Science Project. This project works to develop deeper understanding of phenomena-based science instruction through engagement in science storyline learning model. Teachers will explore the connection between science learning and literacy skill development exploring grab-and-go science unit starters.
Elementary teachers will also experience the widely popular NSTA Eureka Science Activities and Stories biographies that connect literacy learning with science.

Instructional Materials
Middle School Science Community of Practice (OpenSciEd)
The Middle School Collaboratory project will bring together middle school teachers from around the region working on implementing newly adopted or piloted instructional materials. Teachers will work in teams to plan and reflect on the implementation of recent lessons, consider classroom instructional routines to increase student engagement, and strengthen collegial relationship through a learning network. An inter-district cohort of 20 middle school teachers will convene three times during the year to learn, reflect, and grow.
ClimeTime Formative Assessment Task Implementation
The ClimeTime Formative Assessment Task Implementation project will provide professional learning to K-12 teachers to Increase teacher understanding of how to implement common Formative Assessment Tasks. Teachers will experience the newly developed ClimeTime assessment tasks aligned to the Washington State Science Learning Standards/ NGSS to support instructional practice and increase student learning outcomes.
Success Stories from ESD 114
OpenSciEd High School Summer Institute inspires and motivates teachers
“We need to stop thinking, ‘Is this student good enough for my science class?’ and start asking, ‘Is my science class good enough to engage all students?’” This was the question posed by Jamie Yoos, a chemistry teacher and OpenSciEd facilitator from Bellingham,...
OpenSciEd Elementary Field Test Launch Summer 2023
The OpenSciEd Elementary Field Test launched this August on the beautiful Washington State University, Vancouver campus. Over seventy elementary teachers from across the state participated in this three-day project launch learning about the high-quality OpenSciEd...
IslandWood Working Group brings local connections to national science units!
On August 7th, science educators from the Puget Sound region gathered for a two-day Localizing Amplify Science Teacher Institute at IslandWood’s Bainbridge Island campus. The educators were excited to collaborate on curriculum adaptations towards incorporating student...