Paschal Sherman Indian School
Paschal Sherman Indian School is a Kindergarten- 9th grade school that is located in northeastern Washington on the Colville Reservation. The school serves the 12 Tribes of this area, which include: the Colville, the Nespelem, the San Poil, the Lakes, the Palus, the Wenatchi (Wenatchee), the Chelan, the Entiat, the Methow, the southern Okanogan, the Moses Columbia, and the Nez Perce of Chief Joseph’s Bands, as well as other neighboring tribes.
The Vision of Paschal Sherman Indian School (PSIS) is, “To empower students to be leaders of our language(s), land, and environment for future generations”. Because of this focus on indigeneity, land, and the environment, PSIS has taken concerted steps to create culturally sound and appropriate curriculum that encompasses place based learning, cultural stories, community history, and the nslxcin language. Teachers and community members have been brought together to establish relationships to build cohesive and culturally accurate lessons that go over climate change, wild fires, salmon life cycles and the effects of the dams, and local creek restoration. As a school and as a community, we also focus not only on the negative effects of climate change, but how we can come together and make positive changes to reverse these effects so our students learn with a sense of hope.

Teaching Professional Development
Professional Development is provided to teachers who are implementing this Indigenous Based Climate Science Curriculum that reaches all school grades, K-12, for our students. Next year, this curriculum will be modified and open sourced to reach the surrounding school systems, and professional development and guidance for teaching indigenous themed concepts will be provided.

Instructional Materials
Teachers and community members have been working on building an Indigenous Based Climate Science curriculum for the past 3 years and are in the implementation phase. This curriculum starts with an indigenous perspective and history of Salmon and the Columbia River and is largely locally place based with its stories, history, and relevance to the immediate population.

Community Based Partners
Along with the teachers of PSIS, there have been many community partners that have collaborated on this curriculum. These partners have been crucial and we are so blessed to have worked with them. They are Braided Education Consulting, Colville Tribal Elders, Colville Fish and Wildlife, Colville Tribe Fireworks, Colville Tribes Environmental Trust, Okanogan Conservation District, Wenatchee Valley College, and Methow Valley Interpretive Center.