ESD 105
The focus of the work within the ClimeTime Proviso has been to leverage an existing collaborative effort of 21 School Districts and 3 private schools that are members of the ESD 105 Science Cooperative to implement NGSS-aligned instruction for the vast majority of the region’s K-5 students. Additionally, a strong focus has been to support middle school teachers with professional development and “piloting” of the OpenSciEd, Open Education Resources with students. ESD 105 continues to leverage Community Based Organizations and other ESD regions to support NGSS & Climate Science professional development for K-12 educators.

Professional Learning
K-5 STEM Leadership Network
These professional learning events are open to all K-5 teachers in the ESD 105 region. Topics focus on broader innovations of the Next Generation Science Standards and the context of the K-5 classroom. The design of K-5 STEM Leadership Network events models the integration of math and science.
Supporting 6-12 Science – Science Leadership Network
These professional learning events are open to all of the region’s Middle school and High school science. Topics have previously focused on the broader innovations of the Next Generation Science Standards. ESD 105 is collaborating with EarthGen (Formerly Washington Green Schools), Pacific Education Institute, and Mt. Rainier Institute’s Director, John Hayes to co-facilitate the sessions.
Voices of Hope Project GLAD (Collaboration with ESD 171)
The Voices of Hope NTC Project GLAD®️ unit provided equitable access to grade-level climate science learning through a model of instruction promoting multilingual development within core content. Voices of Hope is a social
justice call to action, teaching students the science behind climate change. It equips all learners, especially English language learners, with the tools and sense of agency necessary to make a positive impact on our planet.
Open Sci Ed
Middle School teachers will be piloting Open Sci Ed, Open Educational resources with students and gaining professional development in Phenomena Based Instruction. Materials were ordered during the 2020-2021 school year and more units will be purchased and piloted during the 2021-2022 school year.
Climate Justice League
Building on the success of this program with teachers in ESD 112’s region, we are partnering with EarthGen (formerly Washington Green Schools) and Educational Service District 123 to support a small group of teachers who want to learn more about climate science and the effects of climate change on historically under-represented communities. Participants will plan for engaging students in the social justice side of climate learning and will share their learning with each other.
Teacher Workshops with Community Based Organizations
- STEM Seminars provided through collaboration with EarthGen (formerly Washington Green Schools) during which educators can learn from scientists about the impacts of climate science in our region and translate their learning to student engagement.
- Pacific Education Institute’s Solutions Oriented Learning (SOL) Storylines professional learning events allows educators to learn more about and how to use the SOL storylines to enhance theirs and their students’ climate science knowledge, determine solutions, and elevate student voice. Educators will be supported in implementation efforts of their learning.

Instructional Materials
In July, 2018, Science Master Trainers and 7 new “Apprentice Trainers” met for three days to develop facilitation materials for a six hour “Foundational Professional Learning” session for “NGSS Phase 1” comprised of Smithsonian Science for the Classroom units for grades 1-5 that focus on Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science. Master Trainers have continued to support educators in the ESD 105 Science Cooperative with professional development for “NGSS Phase 1 and Phase 2” instructional materials. During the 2021-2022 school year, teachers will receive training on the “Phase 3” units that will be implemented in the 2022-2023 school year.
The Master Trainers continue to collaborate with the ESD 105 Regional Science Coordinator and the ESD 105’s STEM Resource Center to modify kit materials to optimize classroom instruction. Enhancements are made to equipment, materials, and inventory sheets to decrease prep time and streamline materials management for teachers.
Success Stories from ESD 105
Advocacy and Hope Continue to Support Our Learning about Climate Change Through Children’s Literature
Session Four of the virtual professional learning series “Our Climate is Changing, Why Aren’t We?” engaged nearly 70 educators from across ESDs NEWESD 101 (Spokane), ESD 123 (Tri-Cities), NCESD (Wenatchee), and ESD 171 (Yakima) in continuing to learn how to use...
Our Climate is Changing, Why Aren’t We?
The virtual professional learning series" Our Climate is Changing, Why Aren't We?" wrapped up it's third session on December 17th that focused on climate learning with an emphasis on indigenous perspectives, content integration, advocacy, and hope. The event is...
Integrating Computer Science Into Science: Climate Change Solutions Through Coding
Empowering Educators Through Coding and Climate Action! In today's rapidly evolving digital world, understanding how computers and coding shape our society is increasingly important. This project aims to challenge stereotypes that primary and secondary students may...