With the recently released U.S. Climate Report containing alarming data about climate change, ESD (Educational Services District) 112 is working to help educate teachers and ultimately students about the issue. Using the cutting-edge $3 million climate science grant...
Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Partner Stories
Thermal Energy OpenSciEd
On February 25-26, 6th grade teachers from three school districts on the Olympic Peninsula participated in learning about a new OER sixth grade unit called Thermal Energy. Teachers will be piloting the unit in their classrooms this coming spring. The number of...
Stories of Us and the Environment
Last week the NWESD 189 held the first of a two-part ClimeTime class called “Stories of Us and the Environment." This class focused on the intersection of ELA and science, specifically through the lens of narratives that we all have inside of us. A group of mostly K-5...
Community Mapping with Crosscutting Concepts
IslandWood Teacher Professional Development in PSESD On February 2nd, 22 teachers and educators spent the morning at Cascade View Elementary School in Tukwila learning and practicing how the use of crosscutting concepts and climate related standards can be supported...
Zombie Guacamole Training
In ESD 114, 21 5th grade teachers gathered to learn about Washington Green School's 5th grade unit called Zombie Guacamole. In this NGSS-driven and phenomenon-based curriculum, students explore the factors of decomposition to understand how a bowl of guacamole was...
STEM It Up with Avalanches!
Elementary science and math coordinators in ESD 101 have been delivering a series of PD offerings that focus on authentic STEM integration for elementary teachers and include a focus on the Climate science/Human impacts on Earth standards in the NGSS. Over a 15-hour...
Engineering in Community
IslandWood Teacher Professional Development in PSESD On January 26th 24 teachers met at King County South Treatment Plant in Renton and practiced the engineering design process on local stormwater problems, and later applied it to practical small-scale solutions to...
Elementary ESD 101
On 1/23, more than 2 dozen elementary teachers, tosa's and leaders from ESD 101 participated in a day of leadership, STEM, and collaboration. They focused on authentic STEM (plus ELA and Math!) integration via a unit on hurricanes and climate change. The afternoon was...
What is Our Evidence the We Live on a Changing Earth?
On January 17th, twenty 4th grade teachers learned about the new Smithsonian module on Earth science. These new units are NGSS aligned and these teachers will be able to share their learning with other teachers as well as being prepared to teach the unit.