Partner stories

These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Partner Stories

Olympic ESD 114

The Olympic ESD 114 ClimeTime work is focused on increasing understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards while building a vision of science instruction consistent with the Framework for K-12 Science Education. Olympic ESD serves teachers in rural and remote areas on the Olympic Peninsula working to ensure equity and access to high quality professional learning opportunities in typically underserved communities.

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Coexisting with Carnivores- Olympic Peninsula

Coexisting with Carnivores- Olympic Peninsula

The Coexisting with Carnivores Pilot Project (CWC) launched with three participating middle schools on the Olympic Peninsula on February 3, 2023. CWC Olympic Peninsula is a partnership between Olympic Educational Service District 114, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe...

Regional Science Coordinators are growing and supporting OpenSciEd use amongst middle school science teachers

Regional Science Coordinators are growing and supporting OpenSciEd use amongst middle school science teachers

Between 2018 and 2021, Washington State Regional Science Coordinators and a tea of dedicated middle school science teachers engaged in field testing OpenSciEd instructional units to help inform the development of a complete Grades 6-8 open educational resource (OER)....

ClimeTime cited in leading science journal

ClimeTime cited in leading science journal

The Washington state program ClimeTime, which is facilitated by the state’s nine Education Service Districts (ESDs) and community partners, was recently cited as a popular and effective model for educator education in climate science. The Journal of Science Policy and...