During the 2020-2021 school year 28 educators from the ESD 113 region met over the span of five sessions to learn more about climate science, teaching students outdoors and crafting 5E lessons. Information about the first three sessions of this series can be seen in the story, Climate Science Learning for K-3 Teachers.
The last two Zoom sessions focused on locally relevant climate solutions, scientific modeling and developing 5E lesson plans. Participants developed lessons to support science learning in their classrooms; most lessons were developed for hybrid or distance learning for use during Spring 2021.

Educators made observations about soil that led to wonderings and investigative questions.
At the end of the series participants shared that after this workshop they are most likely to implement 5E lesson planning, equity practices, sit spots/observational practices, and using their schoolyard for climate science investigations.

Educators used Project Learning Tree simulations to offer multiple access points or extensions to outside learning opportunities.