Partner stories

These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Partner Stories

ESD 123

ESD 123 is engaging K-12 teachers in groundbreaking, place-based professional learning with a variety of community partners around climate science, career connections, human impacts and resources. These transformative experiences for teachers will translate into authentic learning for their students.

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SEL Support through Science and Literacy Equity for all

SEL Support through Science and Literacy Equity for all

How do you support students with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and still teach content? You integrate! Lorianne Donovan, ESD 123 Regional Science Coordinator and Lindsey Fangman, ESD 123 Regional Literacy Coordinator spent the summer working to solve this problem....

Climate Change and Data Visualizations

Climate Change and Data Visualizations

12 amazing teachers spent the week of June 21-25 engaged in a teacher/scientist partnership. The goal of the TSP program is to have scientists share their expertise to deepen the teacher's understanding of the content and learn a little more about how scientists at...

ClimeTime cited in leading science journal

ClimeTime cited in leading science journal

The Washington state program ClimeTime, which is facilitated by the state’s nine Education Service Districts (ESDs) and community partners, was recently cited as a popular and effective model for educator education in climate science. The Journal of Science Policy and...

Using NGSS to Investigate STEM Systems

Using NGSS to Investigate STEM Systems

High School teachers from Eastern Washington started the new year off with a bang! On January 5th teachers came to learn about the systems and the “Invisible Forest”. The evening started with Anne Thompson. Anne is a Research Assistant Professor in the Biology...

Voices of Hope GLAD Unit Brought to ESD 123

Voices of Hope GLAD Unit Brought to ESD 123

"Wow, what an amazing workshop!! Loved all the GLAD strategies used and the voices of hope shared to teach about such a critical topic!" is just one piece of feedback received after the latest 3-day Voices of Hope GLAD Unit workshop. The event was held at Educational...