Partner stories

These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Partner Stories

Capital Region ESD 113

Capital Region ESD 113 – in conjunction with their partners – will deliver high quality professional development and resources to their region’s 45 school districts focusing on Climate Science and the Next Generation Science Standards. Our statewide goal, engage teachers in authentic place-based experiences that explore ways in which climate change is impacting our unique communities.

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McLane Salmon Spawning Field Experience

McLane Salmon Spawning Field Experience

On November 15th a small group of youth ages 13-17 from Thurston County Juvenile Court visited the McLane Creek Nature Trail in Olympia as part of the environmental education programming with the Chehalis Basin Education Consortium and Capital Region ESD 113. The day...

Citizen Science with Adjudicated Youth

Citizen Science with Adjudicated Youth

Youth from Thurston County Juvenile Court are participating in weekly environmental field experiences or workshops at various locations around Thurston County in a new partnership with Rachel Stendahl/Chehalis Basin Education Consortium and ESD 113. Every week, they...